Our Story
Quanjude was established in 1864 during the Qing dynasty under the reign of the Tongzhi Emperor. Although Peking duck can trace its history many centuries back, Quanjude’s heritage of roast duck preparation – using open ovens and non-smoky hardwood fuel such as Chinese date, peach, or pear to add a subtle fruity flavor with a golden crisp to the skin – was originally reserved for the imperial families.
The first Quanjude manager, Yang Renquan, who started out selling chicken and ducks, paid a retired chef from the palace for the imperial recipe. Soon after, Quanjude began to serve roast duck from the imperial kitchen to the common masses. Yang Renquan opened his first, small Dejuquan (德聚全, the three characters being reversed from the current name) inside Yangrou Hutong in Qianmen (前門), which at the time was one of the busiest areas in Beijing. His restaurant became an instant success and has since grown into the current branch in Qianmen that employs over 400 staff members and can occupy 900 guests at one time. The Qianmen restaurant, along with the many other Quanjude branches, together form one of the largest food enterprises in the nation.
“全聚德”包揽了全世界中餐所有评比的第一名金奖,各种奖项不计其数,是毋容置疑的中餐龙头企业。 做为国家国宴指定场所,共计招待过150以上国家的总统、总理和领导人!
“全聚德”一直致力于服务国家和社会,在中国举办的所有国际重大会议中,均承担重要的餐饮任务,包括:每年不少于10次的国宴、G20峰会、 APEC会议,Beijing The Belt and Road Summit。
刚刚结束的中国烹饪世界大赛(The World Championship of Chinese Cuisine,简称WCCC),是由世界中餐业联合会主办的国际性中餐烹饪赛事,每四年举办一届,素有中餐“奥林匹克”赛事之称。此次比赛,吸引了来自全球20多个国家和地区的48支中餐烹饪代表队前来参赛。百年全聚德深厚的文化底蕴和作为国家非物质文化遗产的“挂炉烤鸭技艺”的精湛所在,弘扬了菜品创新烹饪的匠心技艺。世界中餐奥林匹克”大赛摘取金奖。

On Sept. 12, 1960, Chairman Mao entertained Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of Guinea with Quanjude Roast Duck。
On December 7th, 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong stated, during talks with directors of the China National Democratic Construction Association and All China Federation of Industry & Commerce (see Page 171, Volume 7, Collected Works of Mao Zedong), that Quanjude should continue forever.

On April.15th, 1992, Boutros-Ghali (first from left), Secretary General UN, dined at Quanjude Hepingmen Restaurant.

On February 13th, 1993, Edward Heath, former Prime Minister of United kingdom, personalized the duck before his meal at Qianmen Quanjude Restaurant.

On April 20th, 2004, Comrade Kim Jong-ll, Secretary General of Korean Labor Party, dined at Quanjude Hepingmen Restaurant.

On June 24th ,2007, Juan Antonio Samaranch, the Honorary Life President of the International Olympic Committee, personalized a raw duck before his dinner at Yayuncun Quanjude Restaurant.

New Year greetings of vice general manager of Quanjude with its employees on Feb.24,1939.

The first ever advertisement of Quanjude was published on Nov.1, 1950.

Placed in Quanjude Exhibition Room, the old plaque of Quanjude has a history of over 140 years.

Research shows that Quanjude roast ducks contain 16-25% protein, and only 7.5% fat, most of which is unsaturated and low carbon fatty acid that aids in the digestion and the absorption of vitamins into the body. Duck fat compared with other animal fat contains lower cholesterol levels.
Pancakes, special sweet sauce, spring onions, cucumber slices and garlic are all popular choices to accompany Quanjude roast duck.

Over 27 times, the late Premier Zhou Enlai entertained State guests at Quanjude. It is Premier Zhou who coined the corporate values of Quanjude as “Flawless Perfection, Gathering without Separating, Virtue to be Supreme”. Today, this core idea continues to encourage the employees of Quanjude to concentrate on developing business.

On September 10th, 1995, George H.W. Bush (first from right), former President of U.S., and former First lady Barbara Bush (first from left), dined at Quanjude Qianmen Restaurant.

On November 12th, 1995, Helmut Kohl, Federal Chancellor of Germany, posed with some Quanjude staffs after dining at Qianmeng Quanjude Restaurant.

On May 14th, 1992, Toshiki Kaifu, former Japanese Prime Minister, dined at Quanjude Hepingmen Restaurant.

1933年,德国女摄影师赫达• 莫里逊用餐后,对“全聚德”的饮食文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,拍下了这张珍贵的老照片。
As a precious historical record of Quanjude, the picture was taken by German photographer Hedda Morrison who was deeply interested in Quanjude’s cuisine culture after her dinner at Quanjude in 1933.

1933年,德国女摄影师赫达• 莫里逊镜头下“全聚德”的“鸭局子”。
The picture taken by Hedda Morrison in 1933 was of Quanjude’s duck fold.

On Mar.7th, 2011, proved by Beijing Municipal Government, because of the Old Shop Wall in the restaurant, Qianmen Quanjude Restaurant was recognized as 8th batch of Beijing City-Leveled Important Historical Monuments under Special Preservation Unit, among which Qianmen Quanjude restaurant is the first cuisine company to be listed.

Hand-drawn map of Qianmen meat market recorded in Collection of Capital Gates by Yang Jingting in the 11th year of Tongzhi period of Qing Dynasty(1872AD).

In June 2008, the technique of Quanjude hanging oven roast duck was named as state-level intangible cultural heritage.